Pests can be menacing; but you don’t need to be too harsh with them. Being harsh means using toxic chemicals to exterminate the pests! Companies such as Saela Pest will help you in getting rid of few pests at your place naturally. This means you can actually get rid of them by using certain natural and safe methods.
Following points will help you use natural methods to get rid of pests:
- Cover the Garbage
If you have a habit of littering anyplace in your house; or you are too lazy to throw the trash in the can, then you definitely need to change this attitude. Leaving trash or garbage open or unattended is a clear call to the pests. Pests easily breed on or around the area where the trash is open and is not regularly cleaned. So, if you really want your place to be pest free, the first natural step is to wash off all the garbage from your place.
- De-Clutter Your House
At times, we all forget to de-clutter the place we have been living in for so many years. De-cluttering means to remove unnecessary or obsolete items from your living place. This can be done when you keep a track of all the items that are not in use for a pretty long time. Although, ‘old is gold’; but, there’s certainly a time limit for all the things – living or non-living. Make some space for the new stuff. This way you can stop pests from making clutter their home.
- Avoid Leaving Food
Many people have a habit of leaving food in plates after they are done with their lunch or dinner. This habit should be totally avoided as pests like rats, cockroaches and flies survive on such leftovers. We must also pay attention to the hygiene levels as this habit is a big question to it. Even if there’s food left outside (uncovered or unattended), just imagine the kind of diseases it may ingest in you after you have it.
- Use of Traps or Stick Pads
Well, if you are really worried about chemicals creating harmful effects on your health, you can switch to few old methods. Setting traps is one such old method. You can place these traps near or in the hotspot areas of pests and leave the rest for the trap to show you. This works the best for rodents, squirrels, hares, raccoons, etc. You can use sticky pads (the ones with the yellow color with harsh glue on it) near the pests’ or insects’ areas. Insects and pests get attracted to color yellow and stick on it.
- Keep Your House Clean
Regular cleaning is extremely essential for healthy living. It is also essential for maintaining hygiene at your place. Clean and hygienic place is always disease-free. Make sure you arrange all things properly in your house so you can get an access to every nook and corner while floor swapping. Mix some natural or herbal insecticides to your floor cleaners to get maximum results. These mixtures are pet-friendly and kid-friendly too.
- Keep Your Kitchen Countertop Clean
People may clean the house, but they definitely laze around when it comes to clearing off the kitchen countertops. There are plates with leftover food in it and the food may have definitely littered on the countertop while cooking. Make a habit of cleaning the countertops after every meal you cook. This habit will help you keep away few dangerous pests from entering your kitchen or house.
Use words such as Saela Pest to find more suitable ways to keep away pests from your place.